Tuesday, May 3, 2016

32,000 sign up for London's first Naked Restaurant at Bunyadi


Natural environment – Bunyadi creator Seb Lyall says the restaurant will offer customers "true liberation" by providing both naked, unprocessed food and an environment unspoiled by modern technology or attitudes

Wood fires – Bunyadi's menu of vegan and non-vegan dishes will be prepared using a wood fire grill. It's due to open in June.

Stripped back – The restaurant's decor will be stripped back. Guests will sit behind bamboo partitions on wooden furniture lit by candles. Watch out for splinters.

Naked lunch – Only 42 people at a time will be able to eat at Bunyadi, London's first naked dining experience. Thousands of disappointed diners will just have to keep their clothes on.

Bunyadi plan – The pop-up restaurant will have two sections: "non-naked," where guests can stay clothed, and "naked and pure," where they'll be either nude or in robes.

Natural environment – Bunyadi creator Seb Lyall says the restaurant will offer customers "true liberation" by providing both naked, unprocessed food and an environment unspoiled by modern technology or attitudes.

Wood fires – Bunyadi's menu of vegan and non-vegan dishes will be prepared using a wood fire grill. It's due to open in June. 

Stripped back – The restaurant's decor will be stripped back. Guests will sit behind bamboo partitions on wooden furniture lit by candles. Watch out for splinters.

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